by Di-An Thrista Bien

Social media has a large influence on our society. Nowadays, it is surprising to see someone without a Facebook account. However, as much as it continuously changes our way of socializing, it also negatively affects the way we socialize with everyone.
The Philippines has a high rising when it comes to social media usage, and it is surprising since 93 percent of Filipinos are members of social networking sites. Filipinos are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, to share their everyday lives and communicate with others. Back then, our forefathers had to talk to each other directly just to socialize with other people. Now, you can just log into your account without hassle. Social media has changed the way we socialize forever.
Sometimes, though, Filipinos tend to get disconnected from the real world while being connected via social media. Of course, social media may have huge benefits in terms of digital socialization, but, in turn, it also made friends and families distant from each other. It is sad to see people obsessed with their phones, ignoring their family and kin who are right in front of their faces. Ironically, few get a chance to talk to each other. Related to this, lack of attention leads to a lack of guidance, which is why bullying happens. Even if we do chat to our peers on social media, we can better appreciate the sincerity of the person who is speaking to us.
Cyberbullying is still another problem. It is basically bullying but through social media. Whether it be harassment, trolling, flaming, or, worst of all, blackmailing, it is a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, the effects of cyberbullying could last for a long time than traditional bullying and have more devastating effects. Thankfully, many cyberbullying cases have been figured out and are currently being solved.
It is important to keep in mind that the strength of social media is a big responsibility. People have unintentionally hurt others with just one click. Some are ignorant enough to overlook other people's views. Some easily get offended with posts, most likely rants. So, the longtime campaign of GMA Network titled “Think Before You Click” is promoting responsible use of social media goes.
Before we post anything, we must think about what will be the reaction of others. Will it offend them? Will they be insulted? or will they react badly?. We need to reconsider what our posts will say so we can be part of the solution, not in addition to the unending problems. We must carry a huge responsibility in return for our social media engagement. Using social media needs to be taken seriously as its power can be felt adversely in the public eye.
Di-An Thrista Bien is a current 3rd Year Political Science student and student - leader from Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He held various positions such as, Political Science Senator, The Letran Student Council, President, Letran – Dominican Network Youth Group (LDYG), Secretary-General of SINAG Youth and Director for Grievances and Disputes at the Innovative Youth Movement.
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